📊 Indicators Explained

What do we measure and why?
Written by Berglind
Updated 1 year ago

In this article, you'll learn about: 

Why these exact Indicators?

When measuring team well-being, you could probably identify 100+ indicators that could be considered important. Some systems also provide endless data and reporting on anything and everything, but that's not what we are about.

Our goal is to provide a straightforward overview of how your team is doing. If the majority of your team feels negative about something, we make it easy for you to act on it immediately through our Suggested Action.

We know that providing too much data about too many indicators would confuse leaders more than support them in their leadership. It's not realistic for a busy leader to analyze and understand complex reports with endless data while completing all their additional daily duties. 

So although we ensure feedback within many areas through our pre-written feedback loops, we thoroughly chose 4 primary indicators to focus on, along with 3 subcategories. Making it easy to comprehend instead of giving leaders a headache.

Primary Indicators & Subcategories

The 4 primary indicators are the most influential factors in a team's success, and the 3 subcategories are vital to get specific feedback to act on. Combined, that creates 12 indicators in total.

Through colors, we provide a quick overview of the score and how critical a challenge is. So leaders know exactly what to prioritize first. 

Leaders can easily see the team score within each indicator and an average score of all 12 indicators. But better yet, we show them what to prioritize and how. 

Read in-depth about Successteam Insights here.


"The action or process of performing a task or function."

So in the world's simplest sense, performance is about completing tasks, processes, goals, and meeting deadlines. And when asking for feedback, these are our main focus points. We also focus on efficiency and the ongoing development of team members' and leaders' skills. 

Examples of Statements: 
"My leader is engaged and involved in my career development"
"We are effective when setting strategic goals in our team"
"My personal goals are aligned with my overall team goals"

Any team's goal is to be a "high-performance" team. It's a given. But what does it take to perform? It's most likely different for each team member what drives them to top performance, making it highly complicated for a leader to know exactly what to act on. We don't measure direct performance, meaning goals and targets. We measure people's perception of their conditions to perform. 

It's quite simple, actually! If a leader doesn't create good conditions to perform, the team won't. 

In many cases, only minor adjustments can enhance the overall performance. It's all about knowing what to adjust. 


"A reason or reasons for acting or behaving in a particular way."

What drives us to do something, and what is the reason why we don't? The answer is always motivation. Through this indicator, we focus on identifying motivational and de-motivational factors to give a leader insights that are easy to improve on. 

Examples of Statements: 
"There's a high level of freedom within the team"
"I have a good relationship with my leader"
"I support and like the values of our company/team"

The tricky thing is different people have different motivational drivers. Some will be highly motivated by a bonus, while others might thrive on recognition. Leaders who want the best possible team must encourage each person differently or find common denominators that work for the whole group.

Motivation is easy to spot in someone or feel within yourself, as it drives a person to go above and beyond. The lack of motivation will, of course, do the opposite. We all know the feeling when we have it, but we don't always know why we lack it. Through feedback, it's easier to identify. 


"Fulfillment of one's wishes, expectations, or needs, and the happiness derived from it."

Satisfaction is simple. We use this indicator to identify the more practical elements that influence happiness or unhappiness at work. It can be as simple as the working hours, the lunch arrangement, or the salary. But it can also be about communication and collaboration across the team. 

Examples of Statements: 
"My leader is good at taking action when I raise issues or problems"
"My team members cooperate with each other in a positive way"
"My working hours match what was promised"

Within Satisfaction, the focus is on the fundamental circumstances of a healthy or unhealthy environment. Although some of the things can seem elementary and less critical, they can significantly affect the team culture and overall happiness.

You might recognize that the slightest dissatisfaction in a team can sometimes take up every conversation during the lunch break or social event with your peers, underlining why it is crucial to act on them when you can. Dissatisfaction spreads, so a leader needs the insight to act proactively instead of reactively.  

A good thing about dissatisfaction is that often some solution can be "low hanging fruit," meaning improving the brand of coffee, adding a Friday bar once in a while, or finding a new lunch arrangement, sometimes does the trick. It is often matters that can easily be improved, yet it will still have a huge positive impact on the team culture. Win-win! 


"A state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances."

Stress is defined in many different ways. Our focus is on work-life balance and identifying stress indications early on to act proactively. We focus on factors such as workload, reachable deadlines, vacation, and sick days. But we also focus on feedback around recognition and open and honest communication between leaders and employees. 

Examples of Statements: 
"Sometimes I feel guilty when I call in sick"
"The number of meetings we have to attend is appropriate"
"My workload is consistent with what I feel I can overcome"

A short period of stress can sometimes create an urgency to perform without having long-term negative effects. However, long-term stress and being overwhelmed will ultimately lead to burnout.

Research paints a frightening picture of increasing stress in the workplace. It is crucial to act before it has consequences for the organization and the individual's quality of life.

Just by communicating about stress and recognizing that people have very different levels of bandwidth, it can be counteracted. Team members must know that they can speak up about stress. In that way, we help each other and the business overall. 

Subcategories explained:

All statements are categorized within the 4 primary indicators above and within the 3 subcategories below. So, when we ask for feedback, we specifically phrase the statement to relate to:

  • Individuals
    A team member's feelings about their own role in the organization.
  • The Team Culture
    Team members' feelings about the Team as a whole.
  • Leadership
    People's perception of their team leader.

This gives a leader the best possible insights, and Successteam can provide precise suggestions on Actions to solve any team challenges we identify based on the feedback. 

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