πŸ“ˆ How we measure Success and display the Results?

The Indicators, Colors, Percentages, and Team Insights.
Written by Berglind
Updated 1 year ago

Our goal is to give you the most straightforward and manageable overview of your team with a "less is more" approach, providing an easy way of taking action on any team challenge without using valuable time on complicated insights. 

We are very deliberate in our approach, as we want to give a leader a straightforward and highly accessible tool to support them in leadership instead of adding a time-consuming tool to an already busy workload.

We make it easy to collect, understand and prioritize feedback and take action on team challenges based on it.

Content of this article:


We have 4 primary indicators and 3 subcategories to measure a team's well-being based on their given feedback.

So, why only 4 Indicators?
The short version is these are the four most influential factors when it comes to a happy, healthy, and highly committed workforce where people thrive and perform.

Of course, an endless number of factors influence a team's success and well-being, but measuring everything is simply too overwhelming. It's impossible to comprehend complex insights with infinite data points on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis. 

We automate the feedback loop and display the result in a way all leaders can manage. More importantly, we give precise advice on prioritizing and acting on each specific feedback response. 

The Indicators & Subcategories

So when we gather feedback, we purposely formulate each statement to correlate to a primary indicator and a category which combined creates 12 indicators in total.

For example, the statements below relate to motivation and leadership.

You can read more in-depth about each indicator here: Indicators Explained.


Through colors, we give a quick overview of the score and how critical a team challenge is. This way, you'll know exactly what to prioritize first. 

They appear in four colors: 

Indicates a nearly perfect score.

Indicates room for improvement.

Indicates serious challenges.

Indicates critical challenges.

* Indicates we can't show any data yet, because less than 4 people gave their feedback. This is to ensure anonymity.

You can read more in-depth about the colors here: The Colors Explained  

Dashboard & Results

At the top of your dashboard to the left, you can easily see the score within each of the 4 primary Indicators and your average score of all 12 indicators (Success Score). Your score is your aggregated feedback from the last 90 days. 

You'll see your Team Progress (*Essential features) to the right. Over time, this feature will be essential to provide context when looking at your results—understanding the development within each parameter is highly advantageous. It will give you a better understanding of how your team responds to your chosen actions over time. 

On your Dashboard, you'll also find your Feedback to Act on. This banner shows you your 3 most critical feedback results, which we recommend you take action on first.  

We made a massive library of straightforward Suggested Actions for you to pick from. Each action is related to a specific feedback question, so you'll have easy access to best practice advice fitted to your particular team challenge. 


An Indicator score of 100% would mean that your team responded entirely positively to all feedback statements related to that indicator, so a perfect score. In other words, a 20% Indicator score would mean that your team is 80% Stressed, Demotivated, Unsatisfied, or view their conditions for Performing as 80% low.

A 100% Success Score would mean you have only completely positive feedback within all Indicators for the past 90 days. A score we have yet to see, as perfection is nearly unattainable.

But go for it! Shoot for the moon and land amongst the stars.⭐️

Note that "positively" is not always equal to "Totally Agree" when giving feedback, as some feedback statements are formulated negatively. For example:

"People do not seem to have time to stop and listen." 

If the team answers "Totally Agree," the feedback is calculated as a negative response. This is intentionally done to avoid people responding absentminded, disengaged, and without real thought to the statement. 

Team Insights

You can deep dive into all of your aggregated data by clicking the Team Insights button. Here you can view all your historical data 90 days back and go into detail with each feedback response.

Your score is based on a complex algorithm. But no worries! We analyze your results, identify your team's challenges, and straightforwardly display them, so it's easy to prioritize and act.

A score reflects your team's perspectives, not fundamental truths. So a low score within performance, for example, doesn't mean that your team is performing low. It means that your team views their conditions for performing as low. 

There are 3 main things you should know about InsightsπŸ“Š

1. The Matrix

On the left side, you'll find your Team Matrix.
It shows you individual results for each of the 12 indicators so you can see more specifically which areas are thriving and which have challenges. 

Each Indicator and the connected subcategory show a percentage and a color that tell us how positively or negatively the team is feeling. 

As seen below, you can click on a specific indicator (e.g., Individual/Performance) and see precisely which feedback statements correlate to the score. 

This way, you'll not only know WHERE the challenges are but also WHAT the specific challenges are. The next step is choosing HOW to act.

2. Statements & Responses

The statements and responses are on the right once you open up Team Insights.

Here you can see all of the statements your team has answered. The filters allow leaders to prioritize which statements to analyze. You can look at the highest or lowest ratedas well as a specific time period, either the last loop or the last 30 or 90 days πŸ“ˆ

This way, you can quickly prioritize which challenges to address and which achievements and high-rated feedback to celebrate with your team. 

It is equally important to celebrate the successes as it is to address the challenges! πŸ₯³

3. Actions

For each statement your team has answered you can see and choose suggested actions and start improving your team's well-being. 

That's it! Now you know the basics of how to use your data and insights.πŸ™ŒπŸ»  

The next step is understanding how to utilize Suggested Action and truly positively impact your team's well-being through Successteam.

Successteam is built on 100+ years of authentic experience leading high-performance teams and training/coaching leaders in all companies, sizes, and settings. On top of that, we periodically bring in industry experts to verify our content and ensure that it is true to the challenges that people experience in a "real-life" workday. This is the basis of our Actions.

Learn about Suggested Actions here: How do Suggested Actions work?

If you haven't created a workspace, do it now, and start becoming a Successteam. Otherwise, log in and start utilizing your team insights.πŸš€

Or, if you have any other questions, you can always email us at support@successteam.com or write to us in the Help chat from the website or platform.

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