🔓 Successteam Subscriptions

Subscription Comparison & Benefits of an Essential.
Written by Martin
Updated 1 year ago

We've ditched the confusing pricing structures and unnecessary features that you don't need! 🙅🏽‍♂️

We believe in transparent, "no strings attached" pricing, where you only pay for exactly what you use.

So, to make it super easy, we simply offer two options, FREE or Essential.

"No strings attached" means you can upgrade or downgrade anytime and freely add/remove users from day to day. You only pay for the time each user was active in Successteam. 

Subscription Comparison

Read about each tool/feature in detail below.

Tools & Features

Click on the links below to jump to a specific tool or feature description.

Users & Teams

In both subscriptions, you'll have unlimited users and teams. You can read more about how to create teams and understand which option will benefit your organization the most.

Read more about how to create one or multiple teams.

Automated Feedback Loop

Automatic feedback without hassle. Simply select frequency, number of questions and start date. 🔁

We've done the hard work so you don't have to!
Our database contains thousands of predefined questions, so employees always get new and fresh questions in every feedback loop. This maintains long-term employee engagement.

These questions are the result of extensive research and management experience, so you avoid bias and get quality feedback that covers all essential areas.

Our customization to your industry and work environment ensures the right questions are always asked in your team.

Read more about the Automated Feedback Loop and how it works.

Weekly/Bi-weekly/Monthly Loop

No more quarterly or yearly employee reviews. Leaders need regular feedback to act on challenges before the damage is done. And we believe that, at the very least, you should enable monthly feedback. 

In FREE, we offer weekly loops only. In Essential, you can choose between bi-weekly and monthly feedback as well. 

Team Insights

Under Team Insights, we help leaders understand how Team Feedback is distributed and which feedback question relates to which result. 

For example, if team motivation decreases, leaders can see which feedback statements triggered the score and how much. It'll give Team Leaders great insight into their team's crucial success factors. 

In FREE, you'll get exclusive Team Insights until you reach your limit of 400 feedback responses. You can upgrade to Essential and unlock your unlimited Team Insights when you reach your limit. 

Read more in-depth about Team Insights.

Progress Tracking

When measuring team well-being and performance, context matters. A certain result doesn't really reveal much unless you know if it's an increase or decrease from the last feedback loop. That's why we track progress in our Essential subscription. 

90-day Trend Tracking

Our feedback database consists of thousands of feedback statements, each of which relates to one of our primary indicators (Performance, Satisfaction, Motivation and Stress-free), but in addition, each statement is tagged with one or more categories that more specifically identify the topic it relates to.


However, they do provide a deeper understanding of trends over time, based on people's responses. This is true both at a team level and across the entire organization.

Don't fear information overload - we only show relevant categories when they matter to you. If a current trend, such as inclusivity or efficiency, emerges in the feedback, you'll be notified.

We help you focus on the essentials without overwhelm. Our insights guide you to meaningful decisions and bring clarity to the world of feedback.

This approach helps leaders focus their efforts and make informed decisions. We believe that the right data, delivered in the right way, is all you need to succeed!

Suggested Actions

Many leaders have a genuine need for guidance to decode the data and insights they receive. The real test of leadership is to step up and solve these challenges in a way that benefits both the business and the employee.

That's why we've developed Suggested Actions. They are created from real-life leadership experiences, research and best practice advice. These Actions are suggested to the manager based on the topic and complexity of the feedback, and managers also have the option to add their own tailored Actions when they have the right solution to a challenge.

As a leader, you also need time for other tasks. Successteam will help you understand where to start. Remember, a little effort goes a long way. Your team will thank you later.

*We only offer Suggested Actions in our Essential subscription. 

Read more about Suggested Actions.

Action Management

We are all about making it easy for leaders to understand their insights but, more importantly, to act on the feedback they get. That's why we offer Action Management in our Essential subscription.

It's a straightforward drag-and-drop feature providing an uncomplicated overview of your assigned or created actions. You can complete actions in a structured way by moving them into different phases (To Do, Progress, Done) based on your progress. 

Onboarding & Training

We always want our users to get the best start with Successteam. So no matter your subscription choice, we offer help articles, explainer videos, e-mail support, and chat support through the website.

In Essential, we offer personal onboarding with a Customer Success Manager. 

E-mail & Phone support

In FREE, you'll always be able to get help by writing to support@successteam.com or through the chat on the platform.

Our Support Team is online Monday through Friday, 9 am to 5 pm Central European Time. In Essential, we offer phone support as well.

If you still have questions, don't hesitate to write a message through the chat or to info@successteam.com. We are here to help! 

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